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[ALUMNI SUCCESS STORIES] - Sustainability: Matthew Benjamin

Alumni Success Stories



After a bachelor's degree in Southampton, Matthew headed to the International University of Monaco to study an MBA in Luxury Management. After an initial career in sales and yachting, he was approached by Tom James Company, the world's largest manufacturer and retailer of bespoke clothing. He quickly helped them to open up the market in the United Arab Emirates. A brief spell with Links Group later, he is was at the helm of his own bespoke clothing brand focused on sustainable development: Benjamin Siggers.
Concerned by the waste and amount of clothing and at the same time the lack of school uniforms in developing countries, Matthew pivoted during the pandemic, to found Kapes Uniforms:

🧥🌍 The huge impact of uniforms
"We want children to feel connected to what they wear. Uniforms can be a key tool for learning about sustainability."
Kapes Uniforms makes sustainable uniforms and promotes access to school: for every student who wears a Kapes uniform, a uniform is sent to a child who cannot afford one in Kenya.

The schools currently working with Kapes are large international schools in the Middle East, but Matthew hopes to soon expand his portfolio to Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, and Melbourne, and has already received inquiries from New York and Los Angeles.

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