LOUIS VUITTON Recruitment Days

2 attendees
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Louis Vuitton is a French Luxury Leather Goods Company created in 1854. It is established in 65 countries around the World and now offers luxury leather goods but also luxury jewellery, watches and shoes.
Since 1987, Louis Vuitton is part of the LVMH group, a world leader in high-quality products.

Recruitment team of Louis Vuitton's headquarters will spend 2 days at IUM to meet IUM students and Alumni for various positions in EMEA and Asia.

Job offers will include all levels of jobs in Retail management: sales associates, brand ambassadors, buyer positions, visual merchandisers, store managers…
And a few positions in Paris' Headquarters are also vacant in 
HR, Marketing, IT , Finance
 (French is required for most of the HQ positions)

Please send you CV to Marine Giannini (
mgiannini@inseec.com) before April 22nd.
If you are selected, you will receive an email directly from her to schedule an interview.
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7, Avenue des Castelans 98000 MONACO

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