Graduation 2015 MASTER/MBA/DBA Cap + Gown + Tassle

124 attendees


The registration deadline has expired.
This year’s Graduation Ceremony will take place on Saturday June 20th, 2015, at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, Salle Prince Pierre.

The Ceremony will start at 2.30pm, followed by a short cocktail. The rehearsal for the Ceremony will take place on June 20th, at 10:00am, at the Grimaldi Forum.

Students are required to arrive at 9.30 to register at the welcome desk in front of Salle Auric. This rehearsal is compulsory for all students wishing to be on stage!

Compulsory to walk on stage- -> You need to buy your CAP + GOWN + TASSLE: 55 Euros 

Please send your gown size (S/M/L) to BEFORE May 31st 

Compulsory payment is due through this platform. 
No further bookings and payments possible after this date! 
Please note that the seats for the ceremony for family and friends are free of charge and there is no limit to the number of guests who can attend.

If you already have the gown, please contact to request cap and tassle price.

Any requests or specific queries may be adressed to 

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Grimaldi Forum, Salle Prince Pierre

10, Avenue Princesse Grace 98000 MONACO

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