On January 23rd, ahead of our yearly Netwoking Cocktail, we had the chance to welcome 15 Alumni in our new premises.
After a visit of our brand new building - including a stop at the new cafetaria and tasting of Gianni's coffee - we discussed IUM new projects and challenges!
Thank to all of you for your continuous support! It was great to have you there!
Alumni Visit of new IUM premises
2020-02-04 16:18:18
2020-02-17 16:18:18
2020-02-04 15:41:38
Laura Fourvel
On January 23rd, ahead of our yearly Netwoking Cocktail, we had the chance to welcome 15 Alumni in our new premises. After a visit of our brand new building - including a stop at the new cafetaria and tasting of Gianni's coffee - we discussed IUM new projects and challenges! Thank to all of you for your continuous support! It was great to have you there!
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